Did you by chance receive an email from someone named Alexa Carpenter, Communications Manager...with "Epping Workforce Housing"...with the following message:
"I am writing to inform you about a critical opportunity to help bring more affordable housing to New Hampshire. Join us on April 19th — 6pm at Epping's Town Hall located at 157 Main Street to support a housing initiative that works to address Epping's workforce housing deficit, preventing critical workers like teachers, nurses, and trades workers from living in the community they serve. Your presence and support can make a significant difference in helping to overcome local resistance to affordable and workforce housing development that is essential to the strength of our community.
Not unlike other towns in this state, Epping and its land use boards have been steadfastly resistant to the development of multifamily affordable housing, and we need people who believe that housing is a human right to come out and challenge the board to prioritize affordable housing development for NH’s working families and individuals. With a staggering deficit of 20,000 housing units across NH, it’s critical that every community steps up to increase their supply of affordable and diverse housing to support those who are the backbone of our communities.
The solution starts with one unit, one project, and one community committed to meeting the needs of its people instead of prioritizing the ideals of existing homeowners. But this solution requires real people with real experiences to challenge those who are resolved to prevent housing from being built in our communities. We urge you—come make your voice heard at the April 19th meeting to demand that our decision makers prioritize affordable housing development in Epping and across the state. Access to safe and affordable housing is not a luxury but a fundamental necessity, and it's time for our NH's decision makers to acknowledge this fact. If you want to make your voice heard at this meeting, respond to this email so I can provide you with further support and resources!"
Please note that the April 19th meeting the matter of zoning variances on behalf or the "Martin Road Project" was continued to the upcoming May 17th Epping Zoning Board meeting...6PM at Epping's Town Hall.
It's believed by many Epping residents that the proposed 315 unit apartment complex situated at 46 Martin Road in Epping, will negatively impact the greater Epping & Fremont area. You can read and see the "46 Martin Road LLC" pitch (an LLC on file with the New Hampshire Secretary of State's Office showing the LLC Managers as: "Thomas Prieto" with a business address of: P.O. Box 1267, Nashua, NH, 03061 and a "Robert B. Singer" with a business address of: c/o Merchants Automotive Group, 14 Central Park Drive, 1st Floor, Hooksett, NH, 03106) at this web address: https://eppingwfh.wordpress.com
This project is referred to as: “The Residences at Epping Station,” to be built between Epping and Fremont, just south of NH Route 101...at 46 Martin Road, Epping.
Be sure to learn as much as you can about this project by asking your Epping town Planning Board and Zoning Board members...for more information. There is no time to waste in learning what the pros and cons are about this project and by all means, attend the meeting at Epping's Town Hall on Wednesday evening, 6PM...the 17th of May and share your thoughts.
UPDATE: At the May 17th 2023 meeting of the Epping Zoning Board of Adjustments, the applied for variance (46 MARTIN ROAD, LLC – A continued Variance under Article 3 Section 3.8.A.7.d of the Zoning Ordinance to permit the installation and use of a septic system for a multi-family development. The parcel is located on 46 Martin Road in the Industrial Commercial Zone. Tax Map 036, Lot 023.) on behalf of the proposed 315 unit apartment "with 20% of the units to be Workforce Housing" project slated for Martin Road failed to acquire a majority vote.
But the meeting that evening produced some concerning issues with how our Zoning Board conducts its meetings under the direction of Chairman Brian Reed. Once again Zoning Board of Adjustment alternate member Don MacLaren filled-in for member Cassandra Hojaboom who had recused herself from the Board for the discussion and vote regarding the Martin Road project (she relocated to a seat in the audience).
On the following agenda item, Ms. Hojaboom rejoined the Board in her capacity as a board member, while Mr. MacLaren, who remained at the same head table(s), in front of the audience, continued to participate in discussions...but was not permitted to vote since ZBA member Ms. Hojaboom had returned. One would think that Mr. MacLaren would have relocated himself to the audience upon Ms. Hojaboom's return to the head table(s) but it appeared the Chairman, Brian Reed believed it was acceptable to turn a 5-member board into a 6-member board, as Mr. MacLaren openly offered his opinions, which may or may not have influenced other members of the "voting" board members.