You can lower your tax rate by following these steps.
1) Realize that you, the voters have a lot more power than you seem to understand. You are the legislative body of the town and you, the legislative body, are the boss of the Budget Committee, the Selectmen, the School Board, and all of the other boards in town.
2) Start telling these boards what you want. For example, you can attend Budget Committee meetings and tell them, for example, that you expect the School Budget to be less than $20,000,000 or that you want the tax rate to be below $20.00 next year.
3) Attend the Town Deliberative and School Deliberative sessions in February to lend support to those whom you hear speaking out on the issues you would like to see changed. Everyone must participate even if too shy to speak out. Be there to vote in support of an amendment that you like or even to defeat one that you don’t.
4) You must show up to vote at the town election every March. It will take a couple years of dedication on your part to consistently VOTE for people who are genuinely interested in representing the whole people. It is important to not get discouraged; it will take time. It is too often the case, the people on these boards are recruited to effect an agenda. They will vote as if their elbows tied to a string and controlled by their puppet masters: namely, those who recruited them to run. These puppets don’t understand that you, the people, are their bosses and that you, the people, are the legislative body. Too many of the leaders of our biggest boards in town are more interested in what they want; they compete with each other to declare themselves mayor of Epping. There are very few people on these boards who truly represent you.
However, you have a role to play. It is your responsibility to find out who is running for these positions; then get out and vote for the right people. As previously said, it will take a few years to take back your town due to the rotation of elected positions that come up each year. For example, there are five seats on the Board of Selectmen. Next year (March 2024) you will have the opportunity to fill two seats.
It is important to start filling every open seat on every board with those who have the capacity to think for themselves; those who will invest the time needed to do the job well; those who understand they were elected to manage the Town’s affairs in the best interest of the WHOLE people.